October Programme

The second weekend of Féile na Laoch is fast approaching, with more events planned on the weekend of 30th September to the 3rd October. This will mark the closing of the festival, and your last chance to join the join us until the festival is held again in seven years time!

Friday 30/9/2011Start of wind down of Festival with

8:00  Reception / Reunion in Arus Éamon Mac Suibhne – “Halla na Laoch”
Film  “Féile na Laoch Lughnasa 2011”
Official listing of all festivals and events that took/will happen, during the year.  Ceremony of Awards.

Ceremony of Awards
Mise Éire Freisin – Final adjudication and award

Presentation of medals to winners of 7 a side football tournament

Seoladh an triple CD “Seoda An Riadaigh” – Gael Linn

Song, story and musical evening in informal concert, with refreshments. (Streamed on internet)


Saturday 1/10/2011
10:00   “A Memory of a people”
11;00   “A Verticle Man”
12:00   Féile na Laoch 2011.
1:00 Opening of exhibition on the August Festival (in various art forms), venue to be announced (Streamed on internet)
2:00 Conference faoi na toghachaí    (Stiúrthóir -Tomás Ó hAodha) Óstán Ghobnatan (Streamed on internet)
7:00 Concert of Liturgical music – Monks of Glenstall and Cór Chúil Aodha in Séipéal Chúil Aodha. (Streamed on internet)
9:00 Reception in Arus Mhic Shuibhne, (Streamed on internet)

Set Dancing in Abbey Hotel.

Seisean sa Mhuileann   John Kelly/McGiveny etc

Amhránaíocht i mBarr an Chumadh.


Sunday 2/10/2011

11:00   Aifreann 2
Commemorative Mass  (Aifreann 2) broadcast worldwide on radio. Cór Cúil Aodha invites the Monks of GlenStall to join them in singing Sean Ó Riada’s second Mass originally commissioned by Glenstall Monastery in 1969 (Streamed on internet)

2:00   “Tá an t-Árdán ag,,”   2011 – Éamon de Buitléar. Le Dr Rory Harrington, Óstán Ghobnatan   (Streamed on internet)

An Coirm / The Concert

8:30     Major and only concert – Árus Eamon Mac Suibhne,

Featuring Ceoltoiri Chualan, Cór Chuil,Aodha, Cór Ban Chúil Aodha and other musicians. A specially composed piece (Peadar Ó RIada)  for the combined forces present.   Finishing at 12:05 with stroke of bell to mark end of the celebration of Sean O Riada and all the other heroes.   The ceremony will include the placing away of all the flags and pictures etc. and the nailing shut for 7 years of the Cófra Mór. closing sequence and quenching of festival torch and the singing of the final parting song by all.

(Streamed on internet)


Monday morning 3/10/2011
11:00   Quite and short laying of wreath ceremony on the grave of Seán and Ruth Ó Riada

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