Comhdháil na bPíobairí (http://feilenalaoch NULL.png)
(http://feilenalaoch NULL.png)
Áras Íosagáin, Baile Mhuirne. 10:00 Dé Sathairn 28/7/2018
Seo comhdháil chun gach a bhaineann leis an bpíob Uileann agus an phíb Mór do phléadh is do chur trí chéile i slitibh eisceachtúil. Táimíd ag súil go gcuirfigh sé le saothar tabhachtach na n’eagraíochtaí piobaireachta in Éirinn, in Alabain agus abhus. Ní bheidh sé ann arís go 2025. Comhdháil aon lae atá i gceist agus is é Mick Ó Brien a bheidh mar Thaoiseach ar an gComhdháil is Ailean Domhnallach ina Tháiniste. Más mian leat páirt a ghlaca ann ní mhiste duit é chur in iúil dúinn ar (comhdhail null@null iontaoibehasfodhla nó glaoch ar an uimhir 087 7951167. Níl costas ar freastal ar an lá. Tá clár an lae thíos.
This conference is around the subject of the Uileann Pipes and the War Pipes and is expected to delve deeply and comprehensively into their use,making, evolution and their music repertoir. We expect the days work to add and aid those piping organizations in IReland, Scotland and further afield, who do such trojan work. It will be held again in 2025. It is a one day coference and Mick O’Brien will be the days Taoiseach or leadar with Ailean Domhnallach as his second in command. If you would like to attend you can notify us in advance by email us at (comhdhail null@null iontaoibehasfodhla or phoning us at 087 7951167. Attendence is free.
Abhair le pléadh:
- Seinnt na píbe 2018 i gcomparáid le 1518
- Ceol na píbe 2018 V 1518
- Tecnique i 2018 V 1518
- Saoghal an phíobaire 2018 V 1518
- An uirlis 2018 V 1518
- Cá bhfuil gluaiseacht forbartha an lae inniu ag gabháil?
- Cad a dhéanfadh sprioc mhaith do Phíobairí don bhliain 2025
- Aon gnóth eile.
Seisiúin /coirm.
Subjects for discussion:
- Playing of the pipes in 2018 in comparison to 1518
- The Music of the pipes in 2018 V 1518
- Piping technique in 2018 V 1518
- The life of the pipers in 2018 V 1518
- The pipes/instruments in 2018 V 1518
- Where is the flow of development heading today
- What would make good piper objectives for 2025
- Any other business