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Dé hAoine /Friday afternoon 27/7/2018
20:00 Meeting and Parade at an Draighean (Home of Seán Ó Riada).
The Torch is light from the hearth in the Draighean and brought to Cúil Aodha in Parade. The Lóchrann na Laoch/Festival torch is lit remain alight for August and September.
The Anthems Mo Ghille Mear and the Scottish Cànan nan Gàidheal‘ sung and the flags raised.
A street party with food, music and dancing follows.
Dé Sathairn / Saturday 28/7/2018
Lá na gCeoltoirí /The Musicians Day
10:00 – 17:00 Ionad Cultúrtha An Dochtuir Ó Loingsigh Pipers Convention (http://feilenalaoch
Taoiseach/Leader of the event – Mick O Brien.
10:00 – 17:00 Áras Íosagáin (CLG Naomh Abán) Harp Convention (http://feilenalaoch
Taoiseach/Leader of the event – Laoise Kelly
20:00 Árus Eamon Mac Suibhne
Oireachtas na Gaeilge and Iontaoibheas Fódhla/RnaG
Winners of the Sean Nós Competition Corn Uí Riada and winners of Bonn Óir Seán Ó Riada
For one night, the adjudged standard bearers of Irish Indigenous Music come on stage together for the 1st time.
Dé Domhnaigh / Sunday 29/7/2018
Lá na Spriodáltachta / The Day of the Spiritual
10:00 Mass in Cúil Aodha. (Árd Easbog Chaisil Kieran O Reilly SMA, Cór Cúil Aodha. Beo/Broadcast live on RnaG)
11:00 Árus Eamon Mac Suibhne – Tea & coffee 7rl
12:00: Oilthireacht/Pilgrimage to Cathair Crobh Dearg/Shrone/Paps (walking & bus)
Oilthireacht/Pilgrimage to Saints Gobnait and Abáin (walking & bus)
Oilthireacht/Pilgrimage to Laichtín & Cill na Martra. (walking & bus)
Oilthireacht/Pilgrimage to Finbar & Gugán (walking & bus)
5:00 Cúil Aodha Church (Busses will offload from pilgrimages here). Faoin Easbog Bill Crean ‘Irish Church Music’ Léirthóir/producer Dr John O’Keefe Má Nuacht/Maynooth –Cór Naomh Pádraigh Seminary Choir.
8:00 Solas go Solás le dul faoi gréinne /Solace rom light at Sunset. Cór Cúil Aodha ag canadh sailmeacha agus an solas dá mhucha. Cabhair ó Chór Naomh Pádraig agus Cór Ban Cúil AOdha is léithéoirí éagsúil. Lastar coinnle dosna mairbh sa dorchacht agus árdaíotar solas le ceol spriodáltha. Beidh fáilte roim gach éine sa phobal a gcoinnle féin do lasa leis. Cór Cúil Aodha sings psalms as the light fades and are switched off. With help from the Seminary choir and Cor Ban Cúil Aodha and some readers leading to the lighting of the 1st candle in memory of Seán o Riada and continuing with past choir members and then all in the church who wish to remember someone of their own as the light strengthens once again.
Monday 30/7/2018
Lá na nÓg /The Day of the Young.
I bpáirtnéireacht le Óige na Gaeltachta
Daylong competitions and exhibitions for Sports, Arts and musical feats.
Árus Eamon Mac Suibhne Cúil Aodha,
Áras Íosagáin (CLG Naomh Abán) Baile Mhuirne
An Ionad Culturtha an Dochtúir Ó Loingsigh, Baile Mhuirne,
Coláiste Ghobnatan, Baile Mhuirne
Ostán Ghobnatan agus an Muséum an Mhuilinn, Baile Mhuirne.
Fáilet roim éinne óg le páirt a ghlaca sna comortaiisí
Foirmeacha ansa (http://feilenalaoch Entry Forms here (http://feilenalaoch
Céilí in Áras Íosagáin. With Raffle
Dé Máirt /Tuesday. 31/7/2018
Lá na Laoch Heroes Day
12:00 Cruinníú na Laoch / the gathering of the Heroes (Árus Éamon Mac Suibhne)
Lón le Muintir na h-áite
14:00-16:00 “Na Laoithe” i gcuimhne Seán Ó Riada agus John Moriarty
The Heroes ctalk about Seán O Riada and John Moriarty
Óráid ó Uachtarán na hÉireann mar chríoch ar an Dáil Laochra
Closing speech of the Dail of Heroes by President Higgins
20:00 Bailíu is paraid Gathering & parade to the Field of Heroes @Árus Eamon Mac Suibhne
Mór Shiubhal na Laoch chun Páirce /Parade of the Heroes, their flag bearers and followers and they take to the field and stage.
21:00 Líonadh and Damhach Diamhrach agus orthaí na gCíonnach the filling of the Damhach Diamhrach and the mantras of the (Elders).
Séideadh an Stoic chun na mairbh /The horn blasts to the dead
21:28 Tosnú na Coirme – uair a chloig ag gach seachtar Dáimh Laochrach ag tosnú leis na Filí. The start fo eth Concert with each creative school ahving one hour starting with the poets. Casann an stáiste deiseal beagán gach uair a chloig/ The stage is turned sunwise a little each hour.
C®iochnaíonn Dáimh Amhránaichta in am roim Eirí Gréinne/ The last school, the Singers finish in time before sunrise.
5:59 Éirí Gréinne agus Fáiltíonn an Ceolfhoirean roim an Lá le Mise Éire
Sunrise and theOrchestra welcome the day by playing Mise Éire. (Voluntary orchestra drawn from all quarters) (http://feilenalaoch join orchestra fill form linked (http://feilenalaoch
6:15 Teacht na Laochra Spóirt / The Arrival of the seven Sports Heroes with their flag supporters and dash across the rive.
Omós don Each / Homage to the Steed.
Teacht na mBannaí Ceoil / The arrival of Bands
Comortas an Píb Mor agus bronnadh Bonn Óir Seán O Riada
The Warpipes competition and teh awarding of eth Seán O Riada Gold Medal.
The Closing 28-30/9/2018
These are the days when we look ahead towards the next 7 years.
All the talks are about this: Climate Change and how to prepare for it, change sin technology, politics, economics etc.
Dé hAoine /Friday 28/9/2018
Coirm Amhránaíochta Concert of singing
Amhránaíocht i mbéarla agus gaoluinn.
The songs of communities from all quarters of the country.
Dé Sathairn /Saturday 29/9/2018
Na Toghachaí /The Future
10:00 Diaspóireacht/ Talks
Finbar Bradley The prospects of economy and business in Ireland 2018/2025
Cathal Mac Suibhne Brúgh developments in China and India 2018/2025
Eoin Ó Murchú Developments in Russia 2018/2025
To be announced Developments in USA 2018/2025
12:30 Short wreath laying ceremony at Seán Ó Riada’s grave.
Lunch/ break
2:30 Talks
Sorcha Ní Riada Politics in Ireland 2018/2025
Liadh Ní Riada Developments in Europe 2018/2025
Le Fógairt Climate change – Ireland 2018/2025
Le Fógairt Technology – Ireland 2018/2025
Le Fógairt Health – Ireland 2018/2025
8:00 Dáil na nDaoine /The Peoples Talk
Caint is pléadh faois na toghachaí. Painéal aíona speisialta agus senas ag an bpobal iad a cheistiú.
Dé Domhnaigh /Sunday 30/9/2018
10:00 Aifreann ar son na dtoghachaí beo ar RnaG (Cór Cúil Aodha and musicians in attendance)
11:00 Tea & coffee – Árus Éamon Mac Suibhne caint gairid ó gach Dáimh Ealaíona ar son a nealaíón sna toghachaí. A short exhortation from each of the seven creative schools for the furture of their art form.
8:00 Deire Sulúnta Féile na Laoch The Solemn Closing Ceremony and Formal Concert:
This is a formal scripted concert mapping the evolvement of the Irish. It is performed by both Cór Cúil Aodha and Cór Ban Cúil Aodha and Associated members of Ceoltóirí Chualan along with some guests. At 23:30 the Féile na Laoch Torch is quenched and brought into the Árus. A specific composition is sung by assembled choirs and musicians, as all the flags are removed from the walls where they have been hanging, the 100 Hero Portraits are taken down and are all is processed, through the audience, up to the foot of the stage, where the Cófra na Laoch sits empty. They are folded into it – the final item being the Féile na Laoch flag which is taken down from its stand. The Box is nailed shut on the stroke of midnight and shouldered away, back to its perch in the gallery of Cúil Aodha Church, to sleep for another 7 years.